Phrasal Verbs!

Phrasal verbs occur often in spoken but also in written English. If you can use them properly your language sounds more natural. Face Up to Phrasals and Funky Phrasals give you the opportunity to practice them with explanations, lots of examples and funny dialogues.  You can also play a game based on the first series. […]

Test Prep!

I’ve selected a few activities and links you can use if you want to practise for the last class test (remember also the exercises in your workbook and the vocab in the text book).   1. The first one is about text messaging and the language of it. After you’ve done the activity you can scroll […]

Working with Concordances

Today’s assignment is a continuation of our today’s work in the class. Using the Cobuild Corpus Concordancer you found out that uncountable nouns work with the word ‘much’ whether (während) the countable ones work with ‘many.’ Well, using the same concordancer, try to find out which words work with countable / uncountable nouns if you want to […]